Thursday, August 12, 2010

Beating the Heat in Miami

Miami, is an important city located in Southeastern Florida, US. It has been ranked as a global city for its significant contribution in fields of finance, commerce, media, entertainment, arts and international trade. Miami is famous for its beaches and one of the largest ports of the US is in Miami, “Port of Miami”. Despite of all these attractions, Miami is also famous for its warm and humid climate which makes the body sticky and at times frustrating

To beat the damp heat, Miami residents adopt air conditioning at home and also at their work place. But the people being busy and ignorant about air conditioning maintenance, air conditioning repair in Miami is the most demanding air conditioning service. If you are an employee in an AC repair Company, every now and then you’ll get calls from customers for Air Conditioning Repair in Miami. Common air conditioning problems faced by Miami residents are like noise from the AC, odor, broken/non-functioning thermostat, drainage hose blockage, Freon leakage, etc. Accordingly, Air conditioning Repair Companies in Miami provides services such as AC Repair, routine AC maintenance, replacement service, new AC installation, new UV system installation, recharging, etc.

HVAC companies in Miami are generally available 24/7, so it is advised that you contact them whenever there is any air conditioning problem that you cannot fix it. Otherwise, here are some tips for maximum cooling as provided by experts of Major air conditioning repair and other service providers.
•    Get air conditioning maintenance from service providers once or twice a year.
•    Clean the air ducts frequently
•    Clean air filter every 30 to 90 days
•    Make sure you wash the outside condenser coil once a year
•    Keep blinds closed, curtain drawn, window shades drawn and outside doors and openings closed.

As the saying goes,”prevention is better than cure”. Maintenance of your air conditioning in time before it breaks down is a much better option, as we know ACs are power consuming machines and its repair and replacement doesn’t come cheap.

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